Disaster Preparedness

Get Ready – Disaster Resilience

When you start to consider the possible extreme weather events and disasters in North Queensland, you must reconcile with the fact that it is not a matter of ‘if’ but ‘when’.

This page is dedicated to providing insightful information and resources to best prepare Queenslanders for natural disasters.

Whether its flooding, storms, cyclones or fires, it is imperative for you and your family to be adequately prepared!

Follow these steps to mitigate your risk:

Step 1: Make an emergency plan

Step 2: Packing your emergency kit

Step 3: Prepare your home

Step 4: Tune into warnings

Step 5: Make sure you’re insured

Water tanks can play an important role in mitigating the effects of extreme weather events and natural disasters – speak to one of our qualified experts today!

Call today on (07) 4061 4544 or fill out a contact form!


The Get Ready webpage is an excellent resource to find out more information – check it out here!